Note: all projects listed involved Kang as either Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator and included primary
responsibility for authoring proposal, managing project team, and delivery of all required deliverables under contract.
No | Projects | Funding Agency | Period | PI | Role | Cost, Prorated (M Won) | Etc |
10 | 도시생태계 현안대응을 위한 다중기반 그린인프라 기술개발 | 환경부(MO Env.) | 2020.04.29 ~ 2022.12.31 | Youngkeun Song, Junsuk Kang | Co-PI | ||
9 | 딥러닝과 생태모방을 활용한 학교건물 내진설계 최적화 모델 개발 (Development of an optimization design model for seismic design of school buildings based on deep learning associated with bio-inspiration) | Junsuk Kang | PI | 494 | |||
8 | 서울대학교 스마트시티 글로벌 융합 혁신인재양성 교육연구단 | 교육부(Mo Edu.) | 2020.09.01 ~ 2027.08.31 | Junsuk Hwang | Co-PI | ||
7 | 재해(폭염 등) 저감장치 통합제어 기술 설계·검증 및 운영 모니터링 | 국토교통부(MOLIT) | 2021.01.01 ~ 2021.12.31 | Junsuk Kang | PI | 79.2 | |
6 | 토피가 큰 지중아치 구조물의 최적화 시스템 구축을 위한 신개념 Embedded Trench Installation(ETI) 적용 기술개발 (Development of Innovative Embedded Trench Installation (ETI) Technologies for Optimized Systems of Deeply Buried Arch Structures) | 국토교통부 (MOLIT) | 2017.06.30. ~ 2018.12.31 | Jong Su p Park | Co-PI | 120 | Primary Institute : Sang Myung Univ. |
5 | 재난 대응 및 복구 지원을 위한 급속 손상도 평가 및의사결정 시스템 개발 (Rapid Damage Assessment and Situation Mapping System to Support Disaster Response and Recovery) | 국토교통부 (MOLIT) | 2018.04.10. ~ 2020.12.31 | Junsuk Kang | PI | 295 | Participating Institute : Georgia Institute of Technology |
4 | Embedded Geofoam Installation (EGI)을 이용한 재난저감형 인프라스트럭처 모델 개발 (Development of Disaster-Mitigating Infrastructure Model using Embedded Geofoam Installation (EGI)) | 교육부 (Mo Edu.) | 2018.06.01. ~ 2021.05.31 | Junsuk Kang | PI | 150 | |
3 | 기후변화 적응정책 선정을 위한 통합평가 의사결정지원 도구개발 및 실증화·고도화 (Development, Implementation and Enhancementof an Integrated Decision Making Support Tool for Selecting Climate Change Adaptation Policies) | 환경부 (MO Env.) | 2018.08.02. ~ 2020.12.31 | Dongkeun Lee | Co-PI | 293 | |
2 | 풍하중에 종속된 거목의 안정성에 관한 실험 및 해석적 연구 | SNU | 2017.04.01. ~ 2018.03.30 | Junsuk Kang | PI | 19.5 | |
1 | 2017년 차세대우수학자 지원금 | SNU | 201.03.01. ~ 2018.02.28 | Junsuk Kang | PI | 150 | |
소계(총 10건) | 1,027.5 |
Project Name | Project Description | Sponsor | Project Period | Project Cost | Role |
Optimum design and fabrication of a scaled steel bridge for the 2017 ASCE Student Steel Bridge Competition | Design and fabrication of a scaled steel bridge using the finite element analysis and advanced construction techniques | CEIT-UR at GSU | Nov. 2016 – May 2017 (Proposal submitted on October 2016 and approved on Nov. 18, 2016) | $2,000 (Prorated:$1,000 | Proposal co-author and mentor(Undergraduate researcher: Brandon Yingling) |
Stability of high capacity wind turbine tower structures | Development of guidelines for design of tall steel wind turbine towers subjected to high capacity wind loads | CEIT-Seed Grant at GSU | Dec. 2015 – Oct. 2016 (Proposal submitted to CEIT, GSU on Oct. 9, 2015 and approved on Dec. 2, 2015) | $14,500 (Prorated: $7,250) | Proposal co-author and co-PI (PI: Dr. Shahnam Navaee) |
Optimum design and fabrication of a scaled steel bridge for the 2015 ASCE Student Steel Bridge Competition: Application of accelerated bridge construction techniques and finite element analysis | Design and fabrication of a scaled steel bridge using the finite element analysis and advanced construction techniques | CEIT-UR at GSU | Nov. 2014 – May 2015 (Proposal submitted on October 13, 2014 and approved on Nov. 10, 2014) | $2,850 (Prorated:$1,425) | Proposal co-author and mentor(Undergraduate researcher: Nathaniel Tanner) |
3D finite element analyses for buried concrete pipes in imperfect trench installation | 3D finite element analyses and field studies for rigid conduits with enhanced induced trench installations | CEIT-GSU | Nov. 2014 – Oct. 2015 (Proposal submitted on Oct. 10, 2014 and approved on Nov. 4, 2014) | $5,000 (Prorated: $5,000) | Proposal author and PI |
PreFab Bridges for Georgia City and Country Roads | Develop a prefab bridge toolkit to be used by local governments | GDOT | Dec. 2014 – Feb. 2016 | $100k (Prorated: $20,000) | Proposal author and PI (co-PIs: Drs. Jackson, Maldonado, Rogers, Maghiar) |
Structural effects of shear tie resistances for foam-insulated concrete sandwich panels under uniform pressure | Analytical studies for structural behaviors of foam-insulated concrete sandwich panels using finite element analyses | University Honors Program-GSU | Aug. 2013 – May 2014 (Proposal approved on August 1, 2013) | $576 (Prorated: $288) | Proposal author and mentor (Mr. Mike Ofili) |
A chronological image analysis of structural failure for innovation in infrastructure management | Development of structural failure criteria using advanced image analysis and finite element analysis | CEIT-GSU | May 2013 – April 2014 (Proposal approved on April 1, 2013) | $9.500 (Prorated: $3,166) | Proposal author and Co-PI |